I am a songwriter of Taoist Pop. I write the songs everyone else forgot to write. I am Not a musician and I have No idea what or How I'm creating, I just do. I use my studio as my instrument, using Cubase as my Aural Sculpting platform. Sometimes I am lucky enough to have wonderful singers, musicians and producers to help me get to where the Song needs to go.
I started writing songs walking home through the woods from part time work after school. I'd pretend I was live on stage and make up the songs as i trundled along. Writing the lyric down when I got home. Had several attempts at learning to play guitar. Failed. Became an Alternative DJ instead. This lead to my being a RAVE DJ and from there technology arrived and I started to make Music with DJ E-Zeee Lee as "Ocean of Emotion" back in 1993. Once I learnt how, I soon started to write my own songs, with only 16 seconds of sample time and a 4 track.
My first releases were under the name "ZEN TAILS". There are at least 3 albums out there plus a few E.P's of essentially Instrumental songs, as I wrote Most of these songs for Female singers. Some got recorded, but only to bad 4 Track cassettes with plenty of Hiss! Meantime El Strawb songs were massing, much to my friends dismay. "Oh god he's gonna sing!" Nice.
It wasn't until the year 2000 when, after a breakdown I ended up doing a Music Degree at College and convincing all I was a Singer. Finally I felt At Home. On Stage. Singing. Have also found out I'm quite at home being Filmed for my many rather brilliant Videos. I used to preform live locally, acoustically with my friend Henry Orna as AKOO STIK.
I've also done some Poetry as RABBITS THE BUTLER and some Pottery as Me. But my best creation is My Garden. Created a year before lockdown when having grown tired of my fence blowing down, we built a wall. And a border. And a fish pond. and... A SHED.
Now the future is.... unknown. But it's been a Stunning Journey so far. Welcome. Please stay and Enjoy My SONGS. And please, understand, my songs are stories. If you Don't listen to the end it's like reading Tolstoys Crime and Punishment and not bothering with the last 2 pages, rendering the whole story, Pointless! So No partial plays please. Download them Free or add me to your favourite Music platform. Or Even better, BUY THE CD and T-shirt or should ever the time come, VINYL!!?
Namaste Y'all
El Strawb
June 2022